čeština deutsch polski

Bartošovický vodní mlýn

s vodohospodářským areálem vodních staveb

Brief history of water mill

Water mill in Odry Region was first mentioned in the urbary of Bartošovice manor in 1678. The mill was in the manor’s property before it was sold by countess Josefa Pachtová to miller Ignác Böhnisch from Kunín in 1828. The mill became a part of the fascinating history of wide Böhnisch family that was one of the most influential in the region. Through marriages the Böhnischs were kin of Dittrich family from Kunín castle as well as Schustal family (Ignác Schustal was a founder of Kopřivnice car factory that transformed later into TATRA car company). The last owner of the water mill from Böhnisch family was Alfred Wilhelm. He was shot dead right in the mill by the soviet soldiers during the Second World War. After the deportation of German population the history of Böhnisch family in the region ends. A national warden took care about the mill and later it became the part of a local Collective farm.


In present time the mill represents a unique technical and cultural object not only in Bartošovice but in the Poodří Region and the whole Moravian-Silesian Region. The mill’s gearing and equipment is the only one its type that is functional in the Moravian-Silesian Region and one of a few in the whole country. During the guided tours visitors can explore the whole working mechanism, e.g. original Francis turbine from 1933 or all kinds of individual mill’s devices. All this in motion joined together by belts on transmissions and wooden sheaves.
Children can experience and learn in detail the flour processing. Besides the demonstration of mill technology, the mill premises are used as a special place for exhibitions, concerts and community meetings.


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We kindly welcome you! The visit of the water mill and surrounding facilities is possible any time on demand.
We also offer
Honey from protected ladscape area Poodří - honey for sale - beekeeping demonstrations
DRIED FRUIT FROM THE REGION - sale of dried fruit in organic quality without
- drying fruit to order
Ing. Vladan Mácha
Bartošovice 208
742 54 Bartošovice
737 136 309
556 758 712